Nivesh Plus (849)
Who are the potential customers:
a) Investors with a relatively longer term investment horizon- LICs Nivesh Plus is ideal for individuals with a medium to longer period of investment horizon
b) Investors with varying risk profile- 4 types of fund option available with equity component ranging from 0 to 80 percent. So the plan caters to all type of investors starting from conservative investors to investors with high risk appetite.
c) Market savvy investors who want to track their investments- Option to switch between funds according to the market volatility and risk taking attitude of the investors thereby maximizing returns.
d) Investors starting from age as low as 90 days to as high as 70 years who has a lumpsum amount in hand with a medium to long term investment horizon along with life insurance protection (with the maximum risk coverage till 85 years ).
Unique Selling Point of LIC’s Nivesh Plus
1. Market linked returns along with insurance coverage with a one time premium
2. Flexibility-
a) Option to chose Basic Sum Assured as per insurance need vis a vis invest need trade off of investor from 1.25 times of S.P or 10 times of S.P
b) Option to choose between any 4 funds based on risk profile
c) Switch between any 4 funds with 4 switches allowed free of charge during a given policy year which policyholder can utilize according to market or interest rate volatility to maximize returns.
d) Facility to partially withdraw the units at any time after the fifth policy anniversary subject to certain conditions and charges.
d) Settlement Option – _Option available to receive the death proceeds in installments.
e) Option to opt for Accidental Death benefit Rider
f) Option to purchase both online and offline
3. Transparency -
a)All the charges on policy like premium allocation charges. Mortality charges, Fund Management charges etc. are declared in advance to increase transparency.
b) Issue of Unit Statement-Periodical statement of accounts to be issued to policyholders each year disclosing the actual charges levied and the fund value at the beginning and end of the year.
4. Low Premium Allocation charges- For Offline sale it is 3.30% , for online sale only 1.50%
5. Mortality charge- During the policy term mortality charge will depend upon the Sum at Risk i.e the difference between the B.S.A and Unit Fund Value as on the date of deduction of charge., after deduction of all other charges ad shall be deducted only if , the BSA is more
than the unit fund value on the date of deduction.
6. No policy administration charge under the plan.
7. Guaranteed Additions- G.A as a percentage of SP shall be added to the Unit Fund on completion of specific duration of policy years.
8. Nil Bid/Offer spread.
9. Liquidity –
a) Partial withdrawal
b) Surrender
10. Assignment allowed under the plan.
11. Like other Single Premium plan , Agent will get 2% of SP as commission. Development Officers credit will be 5% of SP
For more information Contact Us.